Rosalina Merchandise Photos (Part 1)
Wow, my last post was a darn long time ago! Sorry for my absence. I recently started university and during the time I didn't post I had to take care of a couple of things. I also moved to Instagram to post my collection so my activity went there for a little while. I also began updating the Rosalina wiki in her merchandise section as well as the merchandise sections of Super Mario Galaxy and SMG 2. Don't worry though, I'll still use Blogger as my main outlet to go in-depth about my collection and other information. That said, my collection is back at home, so I am limited for the moment about photos of new merchandise or photographing merch for the sake of achivial reasons or keeping track of my collection in general. For the meanwhile, i'll do these "Photo Albums". Essentially, they'll just be places when I drop a bunch of merch photos. This will hopefully help me post more often. Enjoy the photos (some might be borrowed from my Insta or not) and ...